Our Mission
Virtus et Veritas (V2) Ministries cultivates authentic encounters with God & fellow man through adventure experiences and formation in virtue & truth to develop Christ-like leaders.
Virtus et Veritas was founded in 2015 as a week-long summer leadership camp for boys.
The response to the camp was overwhelming!
Spots began filling up in as little as three days!
In 2018, weekend adventures were started to foster ongoing community and formation.
In 2019, two full weeks of summer camp were offered to help meet demand.
In 2021, the High Adventure was introduced as a new annual event serving young adult men.
In June 2023, the Grandgenett Family visited with Spirit Catholic Radio on their show “Witness” about their experience with V2!
PResentation by Toby Korensky
Our founder, Toby Korensky was invited to speak at the Central Region Serra Club meeting in the fall of 2023. Watch the recording of this presentation as Toby shares about the ministry and its growth over the years.
Our pillars

Discover the greatness we are all called to.
Encounter real-life leadership opportunities.
Develop the habits of self-discipline and service of others—the habits necessary to become a Christ-like leader.

Discover virtue and truth through teaching from the Bible, the Church, and the saints.
Encounter the example of good priests, fathers, and seminarians to aid in healthy vocational discernment.
Develop the mind and heart of a true disciple of Christ.

Discover the true meaning and purpose of life.
Encounter our Lord daily in the Sacraments and in Eucharistic Adoration.
Develop a life of prayer that leads to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.

Discover that we cannot do it on our own—we need our brothers.
Encounter a band of brothers that overcomes challenges, pursues virtue together, and holds each other accountable.
Develop deep, lasting friendships which lead one another to Christ.

Discover that the Catholic faith is anything but boring.
Encounter the great adventure of life.
Develop a desire to be fully alive in Christ—to live life to the full (John 10:10).
What others are saying

Virtus et Veritas Ministries
"Virtue Through Adventure"